Peggy Case

Peggy Case comes from a long history of environmental and social justice activism. She has been a community organizer, editor, writer and teacher for many years, beginning in college at Michigan State where she received her bachelors in Humanities and did graduate work in history and English. She has a Masters from Oakland University in Education and taught third and fourth grades in Pontiac for 20 years. She also has an Associates degree from Oakland Community College as a Medical Lab Technician and worked in a microbiology lab before teaching. She has been a life-long gardener, and a grower of food, pollinator forage and trees, now residing on a homestead in northern Michigan. She is a beekeeper and works to develop a small carbon-footprint lifestyle using permaculture principles and organic practices. She is a singer with the Gaia Women of the Great Lakes Basin, an experienced canoeist, amateur naturalist, bird watcher, and camper. She currently works as a full-time volunteer to leave a better world for her two sons and two grandchildren. Her passion to protect water has always been a priority.